Tissues and iPhone

Lad in my year11 group had a sudden nose bleed...
Lucky I had brought a new box of tissues in from home, so before you know it he has tissues stuffed up at his nose. I told him he could help himself to more if he needed.

I could hear that sound of tissues being pulled out of the box over and over again, though his bleed seemed well under control. I got a little suspicious..... then realised about 5 girls near him were sitting there holding and stroking tissues.... Apparently my tissues are particularly soft... We had a bit of a discussion about what makes a good tissue....what make to get....and how much you should expect to pay.... It wasn't on the lesson plan and won't help them on the 22 May, but nothing like a bit of banter.

After work I did the deed.... An iPhone it is, but still reluctantly! Only because htc didn't have a model I liked the look of... And that is of course the most important thing ;-)

Happy weekend! :-)

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