Tahiti Melon Squash flower

This huge and impressive flower is part of the above mentioned melon squash. I bought it in May from a local plant sale on behalf of the Guides. I’ve only just looked it up. It could be gigantic and can produce lots of fruit. I think my greenhouse is too small. I’ve pinched to top out and some side leaves. May be it’ll escape out of the door? https://www.specialtyproduce.com/produce/Tahitian_Squash_3934.php

Otherwise a regular Monday. A HIIT session first thing, an unsuccessful walk to M&S to look for shirts for me (what a paltry selection they had and no decaf tea either) and a more successful visit to Edinburgh Woollen Mill for Susan to get her mum’s birthday present. (It appears there is no Woollen Mill in Edinburgh any more)

Susan went to see her mum this afternoon while I wrote my statement for the Public Meeting on Project A on Wednesday evening.

Tonight is Uketok, so I’m getting this in early before the session starts at 7.30.

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