Hanging around

 We met up with some old friends today, with some friends who are about to move (back) to Cyprus for a couple of years. 

The friends we were visiting have just finished building an amazing house, they are very lucky and have done a brilliant job. It was lovely to see it, they have been planning it for years and years, and it's about 10 years since they moved to the plot they built on (the original house is being demolished in 2 weeks!) 

Drama of the day was the youngest going to investigate the swimming pool, and not realising that it had a cover on it, and so he walked onto what he thought was an empty pool, only to find out it wasn't!  Thankfully, I'd clocked that he had gone to investigate, but thought he had walked away, moved pretty quickly when I realised what had happened!  My friends husband was devastated as he thought he had shut the gate to the pool.  

Today I'm grateful for: 
The youngest, although heavy, not too heavy to make the pool cover go under water! 
Seeing old friends, we go back almost 20 years now 
The eldest mastering the monkey bars 

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