
By ZE1Christie

Voar Redd Up Needed

Another day of mixed weather of showers and sunshine. Think we've had enough rain for a while!!

I've been walking past various beaches all over Shetland this past while and you can fairly see the build up of plastic and rubbish that washes up over the winter months. Thanksfully we have a wonderful volunteer service up here called "Da Voar Redd Up" which is a massive coastal clean before the summer starts. This weekend coming will be the start of ths years Voar Redd Up. 1000's of volunteers will head out to local beaches, roadside ditches etc and clean up all he rubbish that's gathered in the past year as we try to keep our islands as clean as we can :) This is the 26th year of it and long may it continue as 100's of tonnes has been removed and cleaned since it started. Hope this beach in Scalloway gets a clean soon :)

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