
By HeartFreek

Bedroom confinement!

Still terribly poorly. No energy, slight confusion still, could sleep for England......so I am.
My bed feels like a big marsh mellow. It's lovely.
Mr W and Daughter number 1 were out for the afternoon. I was ok with that. When I woke up alone, I felt really unwell again. Daughter came home just in time. She spoke to my sister, an ICU nurse who said to call the GP
He said anti biotics might have stopped working so prescribed even more. Daughter did a mad dash to surgery to sort them out.
My best friend and ex sister in law came to visit this evening. Shes the one who sent the flowers yesterday. We all had a take away. I really fancied curry and ate gallons! First proper meal in over a week.
At least I have reached my target weight!!! 10.11! Yee ha!
Hope I feel better tomorrow. This pneumonia is a pain in the bum. We've decided to rename it. I'm a 'new moaner'. Very apt. I can't stop complaining ( or swearing...so unlike me!)
Night night. xXx

Flowers on my bedroom window sill, over looking a sunshine filled garden.

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