Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Better late than never.

I've been complaining about how my body is dragging me down. 
Recently an orthopedic  surgeon told me that from the  mri scan  of my ever more painful knee, he deduced that the cause was probably a muscle deficit.
His words quite shocked me but forced me into a different mindset. 
For the last  month I have been doing leg and knee stengthening exercises and swimming for an hour almost every day.
The result of regular exercise is that I feel much fitter, energetic and the knees hurt less.
That's me out of the way and now I will tell you a story that you will find hard to believe.
Long story short, a family member who has had very serious mental issues since adolescence which have limited her quality of life very seriously, has just been diagnosed with hydrocephalus and operated on within a week of diagnosis, half a century too late.
The crazy thing is that she had it from birth and nobody picked it up. 
She has been seen by so many doctors and shrinks  over the years, had every treatment and therapy under the sun and it took a bright young GP to look her is the face and send her for a brain scan. 
Another week and she could have died.
A month or so later she is well but still dealing the accumulated effects.

Back to the swimming. we swim in late afternoon when we have the company pool all  to ourselves. There are birds that are convinced that it belongs to them, especially the seagulls that are often quite irrate when we turn up. 
Swifts, carefully avoiding us, fly over our heads, skimming the water to drink or catch insects. I have to wear dark goggles as the strong sunlight sets off a migraine headache and the water is 33 degrees centigrade, so warm that I almost fall asleep.

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