Yesterday evening I saw a request on Freegle for a small, second-hand, single radiator. Last time I was in my garden the radiators removed from my house were piled up against a wall. I will not have radiators in the rebuilt house so at this morning's site meeting I asked the builders whether they could spare one. Most of the demolition rubbish costs to remove but a few items, like those made of metal, have a small resale value and I am not going to interfere in that process. But they were very happy for someone else to do the disposal. By this time the person who'd asked for one had said he'd take the lot and was perfectly open about planning to sell the rest to the metal recycling place where I am also registered and could take them if I had a car. But I don't. It looked like it was wins all round and I'm especially pleased if one will be reused. I know that by 4.15pm today they were all on my front garden path and that they were due to be collected at 6pm. I hope it all worked - I haven't yet heard.
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