The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

Murphy has destroyed EVERY single cuddly toy he has ever had. He bites off their ears/legs/tails and I have seen more stuffing in poos than I ever should have, but he LOVES Pola*. Pola lives on the bed in the spare room and when Murphy is tired, he goes through to get Pola and cuddles up with her to sleep.

It’s very cute but Murphy is still not allowed alone time with Pola. Not because I fear for her virtue. Just a desire for her to stay intact…and not ingested!


*Pola is (was) EMP’s. She was bought at a primary school jumble sale and imaginatively named ‘Pola’ because ‘polar without the r’! Other inspired names for toys included ‘Teddy’, ‘Panda’, ‘Big Teddy’ and ‘Monkey’.

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