deid pt. II

A collection of accumulated dead laptops. The one second from the top was the first computer bought to start my business, bootstrapped with a cheap laptop and working from home it took three months to complete the first couple of projects and to be able to start paying myself. The bottom laptop looks incredibly chunky and basic by today's standards but was the first personal laptop I bought and it was expensive. I think it was £1200 at the time. Damn you Apple.

The stack tells me something: I use laptops all the time and the take a real beating: I compile code on them non-stop, they're on all day, every day. The average lifetime of the average mid-price wintel laptop is 15 months. My macbookpro however (bought in desperation after another laptop died when the whole family had swine flu) is still going strong. Must be 30 months by now.

Laptops stripped, delivered to the dump for recycling. WEEE!

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