As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Physix Flags

I'm sunburnt.

Today was the long-awaited physics trip to Six Flags! We left the school a little late (7:00), and got lost on the way, but we still got there around 9:45. Greg, Casey, Jack, Wesley, and I headed straight to El Toro. We rode it front row with almost no wait. Casey was scared because it was his first roller coaster, but he handled it well. Wesley left us after that, but the rest of us went on Bizzaro twice. Then we waited on some longer lines for Green Lantern and Superman. We had some Mexican/Greek food for lunch, and then checked in with the chaperones at the fountain. Colavita came with us to Kingda Ka and he and I rode it front row! We got an awesome picture and I might change this to that later on.

We closed out the day with Batman, and then a huge group ride of Nitro. Us four and the girls (Kaitlin, Jaclyn, Alyssa, and Lindsey) got ice cream and then walked to the bus together.

The bus ride home was pretty long, but we kept ourselves occupied.

When I got to my house around 8:00, I decided to get my run in before tomorrow's meet. It was supposed to be a quick and easy 4 to Mepham, but I felt good, so I just kept going. 4 miles eventually became 8 miles, and I have no regrets.

I'm terrified for steeple tomorrow. My legs are hurting me, and although I just iced them, I'm worried that they'll be bothering me tomorrow, too.

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