
.... and I were both intensively involved here for a few summers in the 1970's.   His work took him to pastures new and for several decades we lost touch.  A few years ago he returned to volunteering on the locos here and we met up when both staying in the volunteer hostel.  A friendship renewed.

Today I was volunteer Station Master at Abergynolwyn for the first time in a few years.   It was a busy day until mid afternoon but just before the last train drew in it was quiet enough for all the team, cafe and station to sit down for a few minutes with a well earned cuppa.   I enjoyed my day, ably assisted by a contemporary of Jamie's who is now studying geology at Oxford, station duties are a lot less tiring than cafe duties .... which brings me on to tomorrow's turn!

An evening meal for me and Katie then I took the hoe to the allotment to tackle the new crop of weeds and returned with my first produce ... a courgette.   With plenty of rain in the ground and water on site there should be more produce to come.

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