
This is something that I am really good at. Sort of a jean thing The Boss says, but it was Tiny who was there at this shot as I was away amusing The Bossess's sister who is staying at the moment and really likes to take me for walks. Well I would, wouldn't I.
Barking is about communication. It's sort of a hullo with the volume turned up, so folk sometimes don't appreciate it and think it annoying. The B's think it is certainly annoying when I am dreaming at 2.30 am and bark in my sleep. But that doesn't happen very often and after a few soothing words, usually from The Bossess, I just go back to sleep. Other times I bark when I see other dogs out in the park. I like sitting upstairs in The B's bedroom with an elevated view and I can get downstairs and out the dog door in nothing flat as The Boss yells Tussock...NO NOISE....Noise? certainly not...I'm just barking....OK?

Oh The Pic... Well The Boss has been parking Suzz next to this Eucalypt tree for years when we do the Mount. Today he actually noticed it for the first time. Golly....Bit slow?

Louder bark

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