A picture of a man taking it upon himself to tell women what to do with THEIR bodies!! Not just him, a whole group of them on Perth High Street. Also present, very young girls, possibly brainwashed but no less, to me they are traitors to women!! Project Truth they call themselves.

Discussions were had by myself and the one on the left who had the most cold evil eyes. Then another lady walking by joined in , with her story of having been made to have a child just 10 days short of her 46 birthday. She was very vocal in being against this group and their views . She pointed at each of the men and told them they have no rights to dictate what a women does to their bodies. Then two women and their dog stopped , early 20s I would say, and they gave their views with this patronising git with his smarmy smile trying to show us a you tube video on a saved ‘case’. A vasectomy on him was discussed with him deciding that was ‘mutilation’! Then we were joined by four young Schoolboys on bikes who made a grab for the sweets on offer LOL! Quite a crowd gathered all against their views on what women do with their bodies. I am totally Pro Choice and find these groups abhorrent and need to be called out. I was so angry that these young men have it in their brains that think they know best. As I went to walk away I took the leaflets from his hands and ripped them up. He then said that I had to resort to violence , what??

We had a big discussion on these people as we walked home.

There is a new cafe opening on the high street called Bob and Berts, an Irish company. I like the seats and the menu!

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