What’s new pussy cat,
One of the cool things about coming home from holiday is the changes You see on your return.
The grass was atrociously long. The neighbours would have been talking… but maybe more about the hedge…. It was positively wild!
Sweet peas in the house were dried up and almost gone…. Got at the allotment where they are planted in the ground there was a wall of flowers.
We couldn’t open the door for the mail, and when we opened the greenhouse there was a large box. Clothes delivered for Stevie and Jess… for their Imminent return.
Boy asked US to find his Credit card in the box and when we opened it. I found a card addressed to me with a parcel attached on top of all the clothes.
Inside was this lovely bag fron Disney which beau decided she should try for size; especially since it was all coloured with cats of all shapes and sizes!
Thank you Dawn! Your Gift was very much appreciated
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