
By Transitoire


Today was my last lesson with my private student. And it was very sad to have to leave her, in the time I taught her she had surprised me on a number of different occasions at how much she had improved, and just how much more she understood. Sometimes it was a bit of a stress to plan a two hour lesson on top of the lesson planning I already had to do, but you know was more than worth it. I wish her the best of luck in the future, and I really hope she continues to learn and strive to improve. I think she will.

I then headed over to Thomas' to spend some time with everyone there before heading over to the castle with Thomas to join Nicolas, Gaelle and Adrien who were having a little sunbathe (obviously, the weather is still rather nice and sunny here). We were later joined by Flavie and Pierre, and entertained ourselves by occasionally waving at trams and seeing if anyone would wave back (and, opposite to popular opinion, quite a few people did!). I then headed off so I could quickly Skype me parents before heading back out for Claire's leaving meal. The second of our little group of Anglophones to be leaving, the third being me. Argh Idon'twanttothinkaboutit! Anyhows, we were joined by Becky, Meg, Thibaud, Shwetabh, Kendra, Camille and quite a rowdy bunch. No wonder the restaurant put us upstairs on our own! This photograph is taken in a little side-street on the way to Le Vertigo...I don't know why I chose it; I just liked the blur and the monkey and the man looking up I think!

We were joined at Le Vertigo by Nicolas, Gaelle and Adrien, fresh from the slopes of the château and oh dear lord...people teased me about being red? Well, they were definitely more so than me! Mathieu and Simon completed the group, and pichets of beer were drunk, French was spoken, gossip was discussed, friends in Les Sables d'Olonne were suggested for me (should definitely follow that up if I end up working in that area) by Gaelle and Adrien and I realised more than ever that I really am going to miss these people. Lovely evening was had before Simon walked me to the bus stop so I could get the last bus home.

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