Since I haven't worked today I'm blipping a collage of ICADs. Just 3 more days to go and the 61 day challenge is over. It'll be strange... It's been really fun and I've pushed myself (in a good way) a bit outside my creative comfort zone. Not used to showing so much aquarelle drawings, for example.
Work wise it's one step forward and one step back. It seems like my body is ok with working one full week (for me full) and then start the next work week before pulling the emergency brakes. But, not long ago I couldn't even work a full week, so it's still progress. :)
There's another challenge starting on Sunday, but I'm nor sure I'll participate. It sound fun! But finding 5 things and creating something with those during the same day and posting the art before midnight... I'm not sure if that kind of stress is good for me. The 5 things will be announced the same day and the challenge is. This will go on for 5 Sundays. Then there's the time zone too... But, I'll check it out and see what it is and then decide. I mean... I didn't think I'd last 61 days in the index card a day challenge, so who knows? My plan was to give myself a doodle challenge month. One doodle a day, so I'll be more confident and learn the art of doodling. :)
In the collage is the prompts for 'space', 'luminous', 'dusk or dawn' and ''ultramarine'. Luminous and ultramarine is this weeks prompts, so far, and the weekly theme is mandala. I'm drawing mandalas for the first time... the one behind Yoda was a bit tricky, since I drew Yoda first and then the mandala behind him. The last prompts for this, the last week, is 'briolette', 'happiness' and 'prism'.
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