My Aim is True


Rae Mac's

Strangely I have become a little obsessed with Rae Mac (especially the Beatles Week). By strange coincidence I discovered that they were originally In George Street, hence this blip. The site is flanked (nice word, flanked isn't it?) by Austin Reed and Nicolas (aka Oddbins). And this is what it looked like back in the 1970s.

Yesterday's mantra was still there this morning...and I still have not a clue as to what this nonsense means.....

Still working on the prototype of my hoover....although am trying to make sure that i don't hoover up god. Apparently he is everywhere. Hmm, does that include behind the sofa?

Did you all see what I did there then? Put in the last two blips in the hope that it will up my views. Friday can be a slow night for blip views, so every little helps.....

Oh, and isn't the new Irn Bru ad great?

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