
The problem with watering stuff is... It keeps growing!  I'm pretty sure these weren't there earlier this week.

I had a busy morning sorting some stuff out but a quiet afternoon catching up with Friday admin. Weekly reports, end of period finances, that kind of fun stuff. I got (too) bored by about 4pm so jacked it all in. 

Tomorrow we're going to look at a couple of houses down on the coast I like one but it's very expensive and probably a bit big, the other I'm not so sure about but we're seeing it while we're there as it's quite a way away. I'm not sure Himself is keen. He hasn't liked anything we're seen over the past three (two if you lose the Covid Years) years but I'm persevering in his Unicorn hunt.  If nothing else I might something I like and buy it anyway.

The Not Children are coming for tea later. I think we have steak!

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