Looking for Giraffes

We went looking for giraffes today. #GiraffeAboutTown
Actually before we went looking for giraffes, Ann woke me up and made me go to the park at 6.30am. Seriously?? I was still fast asleep in bed??
Ann said, 'Trixie, I want to get to the club by 8.30pm so that I can swim half a mile before Aqua Aerobics class and then after Aqua I want to go to Fitball Pilates and then when I come home we will go on a big walk and go looking for giraffes.' #Summerfitnessplan2020 #aimingforabeachbeachbode

…..............Best laid plans and all that??!! The Aqua Aerobics & Fitball Pilates had been cancelled. Boohoo. So Ann swam a mile and was home before 10am. She ate two more slices of toast cos swimming makes her hungry. That's all the exercise cancelled out then???
…............And then off we went to look for giraffes. We do like our little projects. I got lots of run about time today because we walked across the Meadows & then through some of Holyrood Park and then we went up Calton Hill. I found a very lovely stick up Calton Hill (in this Blip) so I kept lying down to have a little chew of it.
We found 5 giraffes today. Ann was hoping we could find 7, but do you know what?................ it was actually really, really hot so when we got to the giraffe at the Omni Centre, Ann said, 'Trixie lets just go to the bus stop outside 'St Mary's Catholic Cathedral', photo the giraffe and jump on a no 11 bus and go home. …...........So that is what we did.

Only 11 more giraffes to find now.

PS – Ann NEVER brings water for me. She seems to think that because she doesn't need water, I don't need any either. When we walked past 'Taste of Italy' (it's a restaurant) they had a huge bowl of water outside. I drank practically all of it. And then Ann worried that I'd have a wee on the bus home. Obv I didn't. All the people who were sitting outside couldn't believe how thirsty I was. And then Ann felt like the worst collie pup mummy in the world for not carrying water for me.

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