Flower Friday

We decided to do something cultural this morning instead of emptying boxes.  So we walked along the canal towpath path to The Commandery,  a very old building that was, amongst other things, the Royalist HQ in Worcester during the civil war.  It is now a museum, mainly featuring the civil war but also having Tudor and Georgian rooms.  Very interesting and very reasonable entry fee for Worcester residents, annual pass £7!

So we spent some time there learning about times past then exited into the adjacent cafe where we had a reviving cup of coffee.

After lunch we went over to Emma's for a spot of babysitting, feeding and playing with Raffy for a couple of hours whilst his parents worked.  On leaving there I quite fancied a Friday evening pint so we popped over to The Talbot.  My favourite HPA was still not available but the Butty Bach from the same Wye Valley Brewery was very acceptable. 

As it's Flower Friday I thought I'd show off the lovely flowers given us by our visitors, sunflowers and agapanthus, looking very nice on our kitchen table.  Thanks, as ever, to BikerBear for hosting this Friday tradition.

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