Plus ça change...

By SooB


A very welcome cool drink after a trying day.

Limited work in the morning, then carrying all the plants in pots into the hall so they can sit in comparative cool while we are away.

Packing was more complicated than expected (like when did I ever think 2 weeks with hand luggage would be easy?)

Our flight was not from the normal airport, so a longer journey. Carcassonne is an airport organised for the convenience of airlines and staff, not passengers, so they have all the days’ flights in the same 2 hour window. That makes for stressful security queues at the best of times. A security alert did not improve the situation, and we were all herded out to the parking lot for 30 minutes for the sake of someone leaving a bag unattended. Obviously the right thing to do, but irritating.

Anyway, after a long journey we are in a hotel within Gatwick’s sphere of influence ready for tomorrow’s flight to Mexico.

Very excited.

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