love is a verb

By loveeveryminute


My mornings in the garden have become essential for my mental ( and spiritual) health. I get my coffee, my Bible, my cameras, and a notebook and head out there early. I sit a little while and listen to the birds and just breathe. I pray and praise my father. Sometimes I do a few yoga stretches and read some in my Bible. Then I pick up my camera. I’ve wanted to capture a hummingbird among the flowers but they are so quick! However this morning, I had seen them around the sunflowers. I crept down the row, looked up, and there she was posing. I could barely contain my joy! She stayed while fumbled with the camera. This shot was a gift. A reminder that I am loved by a Father who knows the desires of my heart. I am so humbly grateful. It’s these little moments that give strength for what lies ahead. Don’t miss them!
Be blessed! ( Check out the extras! )

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