About to turn

By jMcLean

Braving the sun

The sky was variable today, mostly overcast, briefly blue. I was glad for a soaking shower at one point that meant I didn't have to water the garden. Spent a little time weeding and cutting back, but most of today I was an "honorary deacon" at a local church helping with a reception after a funeral service. We got to be friends with Mark Herring and his family when we moved to Leesburg, as he had served in county government back when W started working for Loudoun. Mark's stepdad Charlie Waddell - aka the Singing Senator - died last week, and services were today. We didn't know Charlie but have been proud to know Mark, as he went on to do some pretty amazing things in Virginia. It was an interesting day, complete with far too many leftover chocolate brownies, but I'm not complaining. :-) 

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