About Age

Set off really early to collect a very very long-awaited passport for NoaNoa. 4 days until we fly so not last minute at all !!! I’ve been chasing it for a while and when the passport office phoned me yesterday, I actually cried with relief.

Oh boy, the stress. I’d been assured I could collect it and told what to bring. I got there early, queued, got sent away, queued, and 3 hours later, got to the kiosk. They informed me that he is in fact an adult. I therefore couldn’t collect his passport. He’s 17. So we debated the adult word a bit. She asked me to queue again to see a manager so I thought there might be some room for manoeuvre. So I queued again and no room. Sent away again with new instructions.

Spent an hour trying to get in contact with Elbows and NoaNoa on camp.
Got NoaNoa to write a letter to required standard and Elbows emailed it.
But had to print it as they wouldn’t accept a digital copy.
So ran around Victoria/Vauxhall asking everyone everywhere for help to print a piece of paper.
Eventually found an Internet cafe who would, and returned to passport office to queue again.
An hour later, I had it.

Bright spots of the day were though, receiving the passport eventually, having Dot.T and WelshLad turn up in the evening after his graduation day, and buying a dress for Saturday from a shop on Victoria station.

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