Scotland The Brave
Or rather my big Feardie-gowk feeling patriotic.
Janice and I went for a lovely sunny walk this morning in Shell Bay woods, Ruddon Point, and along the beach in Shell bay. It was very quiet and a bit windy, but glorious blue sky and white clouds.
We were out for almost three hours, but we just wandered and chatted, so it felt fine. I didn’t really feel up to a strenuous walk today.
I came home to find a young starling in my bedroom!!! The poor soul was terrified. I threw a towel over it then got it back out the window with no bother - then I had a look around the room! Who knew one bird could make so much mess. The duvet cover, the carpet, the window sill, the window panes - all splattered with guano. So a major clean-up job followed. I’m sure the poor bird’s trauma was worse than mine.
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