
By SeeingGodInAll

Soul replenish

“He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭23v3
Our team pastors led us through Psalm 23 this week during our team worship time. Every time I walk the path round East Head I feel my soul restored.
Whether it’s a glorious morning such as this one or raining and windy. Yesterday I was helping out my daughter with the babies and by the time the evening came I was really tired. I think the week was catching up on me so had a deliberate sabbath for 24 hours. So gorgeous to swim in the sea again, after being inland for a week. Was challenged by a book I am reading to write 100 dreams to have with God. I’ve got to 58 and hope to dream on tomorrow. The first 5or 6 are easy. May you be having a blessed weekend

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