No swim this morning but time for a brunch date with Em. We usually meet at Westerham but changed it up to Oxted. Lots of new charity shops to explore and a few coffee shops to test!!! We started our testing at Toast. A delicious brunch. We will continue our testing on our next meeting.
Unfortunately felt ill after an hour…might have been last nights food!!! But cut our meeting short :((((
Got home in time put a casserole in the oven and then Oks and I went to the local vicarage as they are going to house a Ukrainian family and this was their first zoom meeting. It went well…they seem really nice.
Then Mum came down with B&A….very long term family friends. We had a lovely meal together. Lots of laughter.
After they left The Rev and I went out for a drink as things are obviously still not good between the Ukrainian couple and we hoped they would find time to talk. They have been through soooo much.

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