The time to leave

We will be leaving before noon today, arriving at Dogcorner by dinnertime. It's always a very tough day, packing up, the long drive and worrying about sedated little Merry in her belted in case in the back.

The photo today is my Great Aunt Abbie who left us this house at her passing. This is the last time I saw her, in 1985, She's waving goodbye after my friend Dennis and I made a surprise visit here, bringing doughnuts and coffee. We had driven to  Van Buren Maine for a visit, the 
town where we had started teaching in 1971. We took the long way home to see Abbie. Dennis knew her as well from visits here when we were in VB.

Abbie was 95 in the photo, living completely on her own here with friends helping with errands and checking on her. She died in 1987, right here in her beloved childhood home. We all miss her Downeast accent and humor, her fun loving soul and yankee spirit. I know she is watching the 6th generation, Nora and Hunter, as they love this old homestead as we all do.

For the Record, 
This day came in as a perfect Maine day.

All hands sad to leave.

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