
Enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at our hotel and then set out to explore the Perth Women's Sculpture Trail.

It's a really interesting idea - a series of wire sculptures celebrating women past & present with links to Perth. Unfortunately some have been damaged and even stolen - leading to others being moved indoors or chained in place.

We also visited the Fergusson Gallery which had an interesting exhibit about the Celtic Ballet which Margaret Morris set up. 

We then visited the museum which had an exhibition on sin with some interesting pieces including a black board where people could share sins they'd committed- my favourite was feeding a grey squirrel.

We stopped off at Dobbues on way home and picket up sets of bedding plants reduced to under a pound. What a bargain! 

We then needed a nap on returning home - a combination of a late night (well after midnight) and being woken early by very noisy gulls. 

We've been invited round to A&M's for supper tonight which will be fun.

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