Eva found today difficult going back to compete at Pickering. Last time she was there she fell off and it really knocked her confidence so she was extra nervous today. Jack is a sensitive little soul so he picks up on her mood and it can make him a little zoomy when he's anxious. We were lucky enough to have Georgia come along to run round with her. She really looks up to Georgia and I think she pushed herself a bit more because she was there.
She didn't really ride her best but that was understandable given the circumstances and Jack behaved really well too. I think the only way to deal with her anxiety is to keep going out but it's stressful as her confidence is so fragile so it feels so so important that everything goes well every time we go out, which isn't realistic as with horses anything can happen!! She assures me she wants to keep going out and about. I've told her that if it's too much and she just wants to ride at home it's find but she says she wants to go so we'll keep trying.
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