The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Day 27: the Hippie Postcard Shot

... from the same location as yesterday's Boring Postcard Shot and the day before's Disappearing Off -Licence shot (which reappeared the following day, you'll be glad to hear).

Do hippies send postcards? My mother always said, that if I ever got married, she'd hear about it later, via a postcard that said. "by the way, I got hitched last weekend at Glastonbury Festival/Rio de Janeiro/Bradford Registry office." I guess I still have time to surprise her! In fact, as I walked through the farmers' market today, past the Indian snacks stall, I had a most disturbing flashback to a dream in which I was married to the stallholder, or his brother, and was considering whether I'd still be able to have his child! Now I've nothing against the guy in real life, and the snacks part is quite appealing, but as for the rest ... ! and he is shorter than me. That's a no-no.

So, it's late afternoon now, and I'm sitting in the cabin in sunlight. The wifi is working outside today. Two bullfinches are eating sunflower seeds, and Bomble is gazing out of the window. He doesn't seem hungry, and the garden is covered in pigeon feathers. I am trying to defrost some bara brith for a snacklet. What is today's story again....?

Yes, I went down to the farmer's market, but decided to get some cash first from the Halifax, and while on my way there I saw the amazing Rinky-Dink, which is a bicycle caravan thingmabob that uses pedal power to generate the power supply for its sound system. Totally way out, and hey, doesn't every town need one? This had been hired by SVA (Stroud Valley Arts) to launch the SITE festival of the arts. People had previously made some totally nonsensical placards, saying "I hate peas" and "plant your Seeds", "I don't eat breakfast" and so on. They paraded around town, chanting slogans, waving placards, and generally holding up the traffic! One or two onlookers were heard to grumble, "they're always protesting about something!" I followed them around the town, because the sunlight was super bright, in between the clouds and hailstorms, but eventually got an ok shot in the same place as yesterday's! Not planned at all.

I did go round the farmer's market, did dare to take pictures there for the first time, did get questioned for the first time, by a potter, but it was all ok. I did buy a ginger pudding too, from the Cotswold Pudding company, and then retired to my 'office' at Waitrose cafe to write my daily poem. On m y way I passed Palace chambers, where Neil Carmichael, MP, (Conservative) has his office. Somewhat strangely, he now shares the building with the Centre for Trauma Healing and Positive Growth. Unlikely bedfellows!

After that, I went to a community play event at Daisybank, our local play park. I saw all kinds of wonderful things, but CleanSteve can tell you about them. If there are any pics I like of that, I will put them in the play folder of my blipfolio.

Enough already! I have bara brith to eat, and a poetry festival to attend this evening. Have a good weekend...

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