
By Farmerboab

Rain stops play ...

A wet start,not proper rain,just that drizzly stuff that soaks you without you noticing.
So went next door and hauled out the remaining 3 loads of heifers to the field up the hill.
Had them done by 11am,so nabbed wee brother to give me a hand bringing in 2 bulling heifers that have mastitis this morning. You can't win,they have all been done with fly repellent,they have garlic lick buckets out but still they get mastitis. Gave them both a jag of penicillin and stripped out as much of the gunk from the affected teats. Don't think I will be able to save the affected quarters but hopefully will keep them from dying.
After lunch had to spend time power washing out the stock trailer after hauling 75 cattle as the herd needs it to take a load of sheep to the mart tomorrow.
So much for baling straw.
By tonight they had started cutting again,but last night's straw that got wet is still damp,and what they are cutting now is too raw. So went home ....

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