This Photograph Is Proof.

By romanceisdead

I Quite Like "Disturbed"

I have a total of 6 ulcers, which I can't seem to stop irritating
I feel tired and shakey and about to land in a pile on the floor.

Photo Shop
Finished Photography Folio - Due Monday
Drunk Energy Drink

Next is history, due Monday, I have a 2 week extension, but don't want to use it if at all possible as it runs straight into assessment week, let's hope this year I don't fall sick, like last year. But I feel the flu coming on, achey bones, sniffly nose, sore throat.

Mother and Father have just left to pick Erin and Amber up from the mall, I think they went to a movie, that means I can do my own thing for the next two hours :)

Production tomorrow, which means there are dances to choreograph, paper work to do, and feelings to get together, cause I'm not taking anymore shit.

Happy Saturday Night.

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