
By TheHairyPict

Ullapool hills

Went for a wander over Rhidorroch Forest, the moors east of Ullapool, today with B+M and M.  A lovely cycle up a dirt track to East Rhidorroch Lodge, then up two tiny wee hills, Cnoc Damh and Meall Liath Choire.  Great views of familiar hills: AnTealleach, Ben Mor Coigach, Cul Mor, Suilven, Ben More Assynt , Seana Bhraigh and Ben Dearg,  among others.  Today's blip is the view toward Seana Bhraigh from Meall an Eich Ghlais.

There was loads of Bog Asphodel and the extra is a Sundew, a carnivorous plant that grows in nitrogen poor soils and attracts and traps hapless insects in its sticky secretions (the 'dew') and digests them.

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