Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

3 Blipping Years!

And I wouldn't change a thing. There have been highs and lows in terms of both life and photos! But hey we are here for the long run :)

What I love about blip is that it has given me a new hobby. Something to focus on each day. A new wee obsession. I am fond of obsessions. Along the way I have made some fab blip mates and shared the path with the same gang who nudged me into blipping. I love the fact that I can use it as reference point for all the special and the mundane days in my life! I love the fact that it makes me open my eyes and really look at the world around me!

Please note that this year I did manage to purchase helium balloons! I don't make the same mistake twice!

As always huge big thanks to the ever lovely Mr Lif for his patience. And huge thank yous to all my blipchums who pop in and leave comments which make me smile and sometimes just sometimes make me laugh out loud!!. You are all lovely

Enough's cava and curry time... Chin chin xx

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