Tales of a bedbound mum

By Bedbound

Raising funds

So what happens when you have two boxes of continence pads which are no use because there not absorbent enough ... Your not allowed to give them back is teddy gets to wear one ... If the NHS had given me the right ones in the first place off course we wouldn't now have two boxes of pads to try and pass on to someone who needs them. I am sure a local home will take them from us.

And fund raising yep... After months of mucking us around the NHS - well the district nurses did it again 'they can't afford an ambulance ' to move me. The fact I can't sit up without going dizzy, the fact I have paralysis In my lower body and the fact I cannot walk is not good enough for our local district nurses.

So we've set up a fund raising page to raise funds for my ambulance link https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/2Uucd : I hope it helps to raise awareness into the ignorance people with severe ME face by some NHS employees.

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