Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

MM: Worm's Eye View

This is a worm's eye view of a mesquite tree. I waited until the sun was exactly where I wanted it. A bit of fish eye used here.  Thanks to Mole for hosting and for the great themes.

Yesterday, I took neighbor on the right to the grocery store because her car died. This morning, neighbor on the left asked if I could follow her to the auto repair shop.Apparently, I was expected to drive her back at 3:00.  At the last minute, she texted to tell me the car wouldn't be ready until tomorrow and would "Laurie's Limo" be available?
"What time?" I asked.
"Don't know." was the response. 
I'm such a sucker.

Made a couple of phone calls.  I thought I had a lifetime warranty on my window screens. Was told by the company, I don't. I'm going to check my 2009 paperwork  :-)

I received a text a week ago that my pulmonology appointment on the 23rd was canceled (Dr on vacation). I called back immediately, left a message but no return call. So, today I called them again and told the woman who answered NOT to transfer me to the medical asst. The soonest I could get in was late September. 

Nope, that won't do.
They're the ones inconveniencing me, not the other way around.
"May I speak to the office manager?"
Funny how she found an opening on August 18.
Squeaky wheel.
One day last week, I was unable to post any jokes, so I asked the blippers who stopped by to share a funny in the comments. Blippers can be quite clever!

Why did the banana go out with the prune?
Because they couldn’t find a date.

Did you know that in California you cannot take a picture of a woman with a basket of strawberries? need a camera because strawberries do not take pictures.

A bicycle can't stand on it's own because it is two-tired:)

Why do French people eat snails?  They don't like fast food

Why do the French only eat one egg at breakfast?....Because one egg is an oeuf!

Why do fish swim in salt water?  Because pepper makes them sneeze.

I just found out I’m colourblind…
That diagnosis came completely out of the orange!

Q. What is another name Brussel sprouts?
A. Cabbage Patch kids.

What do you call a fish with no eyes?  Fsh.  
A deer with no eyes?   No idea.
A dead deer with no eyes?   Still no idea.

Why should you not use “beef stew” as a password? It’s not stroganoff.

Why do Texas woman make sandwiches with their left hands?
Because they have no rights

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