Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


I let rusty out while I made a cup of tea and he decided after 3 months in Canada that perhaps it was time he went on one of his wandering adventures. Little monster. He has been so good but we have been pretty cautious too. He always comes back. The new house is right on a 2 way road poorly fenced plus you know the actual predators out here makes it more worrying. I went to check he wasn't wandering around on the road and spotted this moose just 100m from our house. She dove into the trees when a cyclist came. Anyway rusty returned after an hour and we have set up a rope and clip for letting him out any other time. After husband had checked the cows we headed to town to get fuel which thankfully is going down in price and also to buy a hoover. After 3 months of inefficient sweeping it was time. Also got some more summery clothes that's bound to break the heatwave!

Advice from a Moose: Think Big. Spend time in the woods. Eat plenty of greens. Hold your head up high. Stay on track. Keep your nose clean. It's OK to be a little wild! 

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