shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

In search of taste

I have spent a very quiet day mostly in my bed after waking up feeling horrible, mostly I think due to not enough sleep after waking coughing and having to blow my nose several times overnight. I didn't eat much, but by evening was feeling better and put on some soup to heat. Unfortunately when I went to eat it I realised that for all the lessening in the cough and the runny nose, I have yet to regain my senses of smell and taste. Carrot and coriander soup might as well have been runny wallpaper paste, which is rather a shame as I like it a lot! I hate the fact that almost every cold these days I lose these two senses, usually the most obvious sign is when I put Vicks under my nose and can't smell it. Thankfully the vaporub seems to work whether I can smell it or not! But this seemed to be a way to capture this on blip, even if it is a lazy phone shot!

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!

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