
This sparrow seemed to be panting with the heat today. The temperatures are rising again. The French side of Lake Geneva is looking very brown.

Another early start to take my son to the train station ready for his six week military service (although he will be home at the weekends). He had a lot of kit to take with him including his rifle. It must have been quite intimidating for the other people who shared his carriage to have someone sitting there with a rifle. The upside of getting up so early was that as we drive up the road, about 20m from the house, we saw a badger crossing the road. I suspected they are in the area but haven’t seen one so close to home before. And a little further in we saw a tiny baby fox.

After doing some admin, we set off in the van again, this time into France. We shopped on the way, amazed as always by the cheaper prices. We are in an area behind Thonon in a lovely spot with a view of mountains although we aren’t sure which ones they are!

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