Waiting for a bath

I have had such a busy day! As it is Saturday nobody has been to school or work so I have had to keep an eye on five humans, Alfie, Bracken and the fish. (Actually I don't worry about the fish as they don't move from their tank.) Fortunately two of the humans went up to Ikea to get some more cupboards for Ann, so for a bit there was only three people, Alfie and Bracken to guard. However I'm not very happy about more Ikea stuff as Ann gets very stressed trying to build it and will probably be ranting on blip in a few days time.

I do wish that the people and animals in this house would all stay in the same place all the time, as everytime someone moves I have to follow them to check whats happening - so once more no sleep time! Alfie is no help as he is always snoozing, I don't think he realises that dogs are meant to guard.

Anyway we had another lovely walk in the National Forest, I went properly swimming in a deep pond, jumped a few horse jumps and got very muddy as did Alfie. So when we got home Sue said we would have to be washed. Well if Ann washes me I go in the proper bath with some nice smelling shampoo, here I just got dumped in a big yellow box full of cold water - huh! After that I was told to lay on my bed and sleep. Well I did nt pay any attention to that - I watched Bracken the rabbit.

Only one more sleep (night rabbit watch) till Ann's back - yay!

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