Signs of Spring...Continued

What a glorious Spring day. 70F (20C), and sunny.

Parents were out...pushing their babies in the swings. People were eating outside on tables by the sidewalk. My friend Gary, the mailman, was in his shorts. A father and son were fishing. A mama duck was sitting on her 8 eggs. People were gardening. And...and...THE SKATEBOARDERS WERE OUT!!!

I have a love/hate relationship with skateboarders. One time I was jogging down a city street, and 4 boarders were coming at me. One of them said..."Watch this", and he shot the skateboard at my head with his feet. I was still quick enough at the time to be able to duck. But...what do I then? Try to beat up 4 teenagers? Kind of disgusting.

On the good side...I had just shot a few ducks, and I walked by 4 teenagers at a local church. They were riding skateboards and scooters. I yelled out..."Which one of you guys have got the best trick?"

"I do. I do. I do. I do!!!

They all performed in front of the varying degrees of success. I didn't get any of the 3 wipeouts. With no padding on...that has to hurt. I did like the 3rd shot of the sequence where the kids hair is flying. They didn't want me to leave...but I had to keep walking.

I guess it just proves the old adage that there are always a couple of bad apples in the bushel. These 4 kids were delightful, but I wanted to grab the other kids board...the one who shot it at my head... and break the board in half.


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