Gwen 2014

By gwenee18

Horrible Histories

I bought Kaleb tickets to see Horrible Histories last year for me and him to have a day out ourselves, but with my illness there was a slight deviation to the plan cause I still can't drive, and am not at all very mobile cause of the shrek leg.

My mam very kindly taxied us so we could still go she dropped us at the door of HMT and i was doped up on my maximum painkillers but I managed however, 12-6pm is the longest I've went without sleep in 2 weeks and I'm absolutely shattered tonight and I did find myself dipping during the second half of the show.

The show was really good and we both enjoyed it and I managed to keep my side of the deal for a nice day out to the theatre just me and Kaleb but just needed a little help with the logistics ? Thanks Mam xx

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