The Fuller Day...
I'm more of a fuller day type person. I like to have things to do and things to achieve. I can get drawn into single things as I did for a few days while the kids were at school (Red Dead Redemption can be a life sucker if you let it), but I like to have lots of wee things to do.
Today was one of those little achievement days that I really like and I feel I got enough little tasks sorted out.
I got the washing out with the new pegs, worked out a song on the piano, painted the patches of the kitchen ceiling that have been sat missed for years, weeded and relocated the strawberry plants, taught the kids how to make a fire with a magnify glass, weeded out raspberry plants, failed marginally to start a fire with magnifying glass so showed the kids how to do it with flint and steel, oiled my clippers and cut my hair and broke the back of a non-bunnet crochet project.
I love full days.
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