
By sweetie

Finally I have my new glasses! I managed to lose my previous frames in an airport the other week, and have been wearing my old ones which are now the wrong prescription. So after two weeks of blurry vision and headaches I am very pleased to have these!

I'm feeling a bit tired today after being woken at 3am by my fiancé who'd heard a loud clatter closely followed by my car alarm going off. He got to the window in time to see a couple of hoodied kiddies making a sharp exit from our car park. So we trudged downstairs for a look, to find the motorbike that was parked next to my car now knocked over onto the ground, seemingly having hit the side of my car on the way down and then come to rest right against the passenger door. We didn't fancy trying to lift the bike in the dark so decided to leave it til morning. I went for another look first thing and miraculously there's barely a scratch on either my car or the bike. The bike's rain cover must have prevented anything metal making contact and scraping the paintwork :) I was very relieved, shame I couldn't have had a full night's sleep instead though!

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