Camera Shy

By Wildstar

Exhibit A.

As a dog owner,  and probably parents recognise this too,  out of the corner of your eye you catch sight of behaviour that suggests naughtiness.  In the case of Ginny it was a quick dash into her "cave".  I looked in but there did not seem to be anything untoward - no sandal, no sock etc. but then I noticed she was chewing on something.  Luckily she recognised the game was up and spat out....exhibit A.  Always a worrying moment as sometimes demanding to see what a dog is chewing results in them swallowing it!  She has a box full of toys and safe chewy things so what did she see in this small plastic-coated paperclip?  I had been sorting out paperwork and it must have fallen on the floor but I did not notice it - more careful!

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