Beach Ready?

Raining at 5am, sunny by 0615hrs, rain came in by 11am, clouded over and mist came down, mist lifted by 4pm, sun came out by 5pm, and a sunny evening.  Breezy at times.

Another early shift in the airport.  I was on the check-in desk first thing, and then meeting and boarding flights.  Back to the check-in desk in the afternoon.  We also had a flight to Denmark today.  A relaxed evening at home, finally got out walkies with Sammy, and nipped along Madeline's for a cuppa.  Off to bed early again. 

After a busy afternoon on the check-in desk, I needed some fresh air for the soul, and headed for a brisk walk along the beach.  As I passed here the other day, the beach was pinned with sunbathers, and brave swimmers.  It looks like someone has forgotten their flippers and goggles, hopefully they'll return to find them, or maybe super prepared for their next visit.  Heading to the beach, Netherton, Levenwick.  

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