The Anniversary Couple

Yesterday each of them realised that today was their 40th wedding anniversary and also realised that they hadn’t got a card or anything for the other! Haha!
Church this morning. Mom and I drove over for the second service.
As we were walking in I could see Levi and Ethan playing with some other kids then spotted Devin with Owen. Devin came straight over and Owen did a great job of looking excited to. Then Ethan a came over and he went back to tell Levi to come over. :)
They had already been at church but came in for the worship at the beginning. Ethan sat on moms lap which was just perfect.
After church we (Audrey, Doug, mom and myself) went to Monterey for a meal then a wander around.
On the way back we stopped in on Ian and Hailee to see their house.

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