Get Away From My Hosta.........

Loads of colourful snails this morning ..... something to do with the rain during the night.
Mind you, there was a wee bit of sunlight after I got back from the shop.
I know that because the new TV was throwing up completely different rainbow patterns from the old one.

I finished a small Yew bowl today (in the Blip-bank for a fallow day) after having having to fill the rotten hole that appeared as I got to the bottom of it.

There was a trip to the dump recycling depot this afternoon to get rid of an old garden table and chairs, an old piece of electrical equipment that Virgin have (eventually) decided they do not want back - and best of all .... a ruddy great inflatable kayak that No1 son brought back from The States (about 20 years) and has been sitting rotting in a storage box in the garden (he never got round to finding & fixing the leak it had).

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