Day 13 Budapest

Day 13 Budapest
Our last day of the holiday. Wow what a day we have had. We left our trusty steeds in our apartment and hired the local town bikes - Bubi bikes. They are great. 

We started at the Central Market. The stalls were colourful and the atmosphere was a lovely mix of local housewives buying groceries and tourists. Mr PB bought a tea towel (tradition) and I bought some amber earrings.

Then we got on more Bubi bikes and cycled along the Danube to the ‘shoes on the Danube installation. It is to remember the Jews who were massacred. They were ordered to take of their shoes off and were shot at the edge of the river. Then we cycled though the middle of Margitsziget (Margaret) Island to the Victor Vasarely Gallery. Oh wow! I could see how he has inspired sooo many quilters. Absolutely amazing and quite overwhelming. Back out into the heat and we found more bikes and headed for the Dohany Synagogue- the largest in Europe. We had an interesting history tour. 

Next on to the New York Coffee house. The most opulent and beautiful cafe. We treated ourselves! Then back on the bikes up not the castle and park for beers. We had a delicious Lebanese meal, a couple of beers then home.  we’ve cycled 17 miles! 

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